Bartoš David "A" | Charity auction of special art Orli Znojmo jerseys for Znojmo Hospital

Remaining time

auction ended

Auction end

SU 29.12.2019


Server time


Item name Prize Time Bidder Bid
Bartoš David "A" 11 850,00 Kč 29.12.2019 22:05:18 Bob73

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 11 800,00 Kč 29.12.2019 22:00:52 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 11 750,00 Kč 29.12.2019 22:00:23 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 11 250,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:59:58 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 11 200,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:59:40 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 10 700,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:58:48 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 10 650,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:58:30 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 10 200,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:58:16 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 10 150,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:58:02 petr.svoboda

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 10 100,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:57:25 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 10 050,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:57:16 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 9 550,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:56:44 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 9 500,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:56:18 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 9 050,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:56:02 petr.svoboda

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 9 000,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:55:18 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 950,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:55:01 petr.svoboda

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 900,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:54:06 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 850,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:53:49 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 350,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:53:25 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 300,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:52:54 Bob73

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 250,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:50:47 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 200,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:49:52 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 150,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:49:22 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 100,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:48:58 Bob73

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 050,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:48:49 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 8 000,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:45:06 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 950,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:44:12 petr.svoboda

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 900,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:43:19 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 850,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:41:05 Bob73

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 800,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:38:22 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 750,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:38:07 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 700,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:33:41 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 650,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:33:24 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 600,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:29:33 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 550,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:29:10 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 500,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:24:52 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 450,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:24:28 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 400,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:20:53 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 330,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:20:32 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 280,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:16:44 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 221,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:16:03 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 171,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:11:44 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 113,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:10:58 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 063,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:09:09 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 7 006,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:08:28 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 6 956,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:04:27 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 6 905,00 Kč 29.12.2019 21:04:11 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 6 855,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:59:57 trodat71

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 6 805,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:59:09 Romanov

Item bidding ended

Bartoš David "A" 6 755,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:55:20 trodat71

Item bidding ended

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