McRae Philip | Charity auction of special art Orli Znojmo jerseys for Znojmo Hospital

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auction ended

Auction end

SU 29.12.2019


Server time


Item name Prize Time Bidder Bid
McRae Philip 5 100,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:41:53 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 5 050,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:41:18 Bob73

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 5 000,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:38:24 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 800,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:35:15 Peter7241

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 750,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:34:59 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 700,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:34:00 Peter7241

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 650,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:33:15 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 600,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:32:45 Peter7241

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 550,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:32:27 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 500,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:30:15 Burik

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 450,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:28:35 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 400,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:27:35 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 350,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:26:52 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 300,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:24:47 Burik

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 150,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:20:40 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 100,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:19:03 Bob73

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 4 000,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:15:14 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 950,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:14:36 Peter7241

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 900,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:14:08 Konipaska

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 850,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:13:52 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 800,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:11:32 KarlJan91

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 750,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:11:22 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 700,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:09:46 Peter7241

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 650,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:07:54 fkhate

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 600,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:05:59 Bob73

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 500,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:05:25 Burik

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 400,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:01:18 Kamicek

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 350,00 Kč 29.12.2019 20:01:07 Peter7241

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 300,00 Kč 29.12.2019 19:56:56 Kamicek

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 3 250,00 Kč 29.12.2019 19:41:31 pavel

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 750,00 Kč 29.12.2019 19:24:05 Kamicek

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 700,00 Kč 29.12.2019 15:08:35 pavel

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 200,00 Kč 28.12.2019 13:09:21 goalisiimo

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 150,00 Kč 28.12.2019 11:40:28 jdr79

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 100,00 Kč 28.12.2019 11:36:22 Kocin

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 050,00 Kč 28.12.2019 10:38:44 jdr79

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 2 000,00 Kč 28.12.2019 10:18:53 Luca

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 950,00 Kč 27.12.2019 22:04:58 petr.svoboda

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 900,00 Kč 27.12.2019 15:18:05 Luca

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 850,00 Kč 27.12.2019 15:02:00 goalisiimo

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 800,00 Kč 26.12.2019 22:35:03 Jeve

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 750,00 Kč 26.12.2019 22:29:13 Luca

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 700,00 Kč 26.12.2019 03:33:25 Jeve

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 650,00 Kč 23.12.2019 18:55:40 goalisiimo

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 600,00 Kč 23.12.2019 17:58:47 Libor J

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 500,00 Kč 22.12.2019 23:39:48 goalisiimo

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 100,00 Kč 22.12.2019 20:03:25 Tomikou2000

Item bidding ended

McRae Philip 1 050,00 Kč 22.12.2019 14:19:52 goalisiimo

Item bidding ended

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